Welcome to the NEW Solutions Awards 2025
Everything you need to know...
The idea
To award companies and people who are excelling within the industry, and focused on the best people and principles within print, packaging and design.
Rather than just looking at the quality of print, which can be subjective at best, these awards will be judged against the backdrop of sustainable and socio-ethical approaches.
The awards will be run year round, with a number of categories available based on ‘business’ rather than product.
The awards will be run predominantly online, as our focus will be on supporting the winners with a promotional and marketing package as part of their win, to give them something tangible and worthwhile to drive business forward and to allow maximum benefit.
The awards will develop worldwide and it would be logistically difficult for all of our winners to attend a localised ceremony.
Reasons to enter
Increased brand awareness
Winning a Solutions Awards is good for business. It can help to provide a competitive edge for your business. The recognition and prestige associated with the Solutions Awards can help your business stand out in a crowded market and attract new customers.
This can be especially beneficial for small businesses that are just starting out.
Good for employees
Providing a boost in morale for company owners and employees, recognition through the Solutions Awards sends a really positive message about your businesses. Recognition for hard work and dedication, creativity, and going the extra mile, can be a source of pride and motivation for your team members, which can translate into increased productivity and success for the business.
Winning a business award can have a significant impact on the positive prospects for a business.
What’s in it for you?
With the marketing package available to winners, we will help you spread the word about your win. Make the most of it and let customers, your local community, prospects, suppliers, and more, know that you have been acknowledged as a leader.
Winning a Solutions Award can increase exposure for you, establish your business as a leader in its field, provide networking and contact opportunities, and boost morale. All of these factors can contribute to the growth and success of any business.
For sponsorship enquiries, or to find out more about marketing opportunities, please contact David on david@earthisland.co.uk or call 07711 004558
solutions awards categories