Solutions Awards
And, the winner is…
Lemon Creative
The solving of the biggest mystery of the day is always the overall winner. Whilst nominees know that they have entered their work, and finalists know that they have been shortlisted, no one – not even us – knows who has won until the day. Except, that is for overall winner, which is chosen by Earth island each year – so it comes as a complete surprise.
The Solutions Award winner for 2019 is a real inspiration: Lemon Creative is known for great design; for great print and substrate choice; for great service; but perhaps most importantly, for helping customers to not only benefit from print, but by using that to help them turn their businesses around and succeed.
Yes, Lemon does produce beautiful print and design, but what our champion does is to take something – a marketing campaign, a piece of packaging, a corporate document, that may not have worked very well in the past, and by thinking differently, change it so that it has a positive effect on the customers’ business. It is about getting results – gaining more enquiries from a leaflet, freshening a corporate look to increase new business, generating positive discussion and selling more, turning around a product that was in decline into one that is highly successful – all through the graphics produced.
We have watched Lemon Creative grow – in terms of inspiration and innovation – over the years, and powerfully and importantly we have heard from its customers about how they have benefitted. You could say it has a real zest for creativity!
Lemon Creative
01227 752 081