Print Solutions
The Stationer’s Company is encouraging companies to enter its Innovation Excellence Awards. Applications are welcome from across the communications and content industries including global companies, SMEs, non-profits, and start ups.
The award categories are: business process; communications and marketing; customer experience; product design; service development, with a separate category for start ups.
Now in their ninth year, the awards are free to enter, and entrants do not have to be members of the Stationers’ Company – they are open to all. Entries can be made in more than one category, and an overall ‘Innovator of the Year’ is selected from the winners of each category.
Entries close at 7 pm on Friday 21 April. Click
Judges are keen to see applications that focus on novel products, services or business processes that have a positive financial and/or social impact on customers and on the environment. Judging criteria are also available on the website.
The 2023 awards will be announced and presented in the historic Stationers’ Hall on Monday, 25 September 2023.