The Big Printmas competition
It’s beginning to look a lot like Printmas! Come and join in to win some brilliant goodies.
Printmas comes but once a year, and is designed to bring good cheer. And, here at Solutions, we aim to bring ‘good cheer’ to you dear readers, with our annual competition to win some fabulous prizes courtesy of our awesome partners.

You have the opportunity to win some great prizes from some truly wonderful graphics arts companies.
It's is really simple to enter. Just CLICK HERE
Featured competition
Time to spruce things up with Leipa
You can win: A vegan hamper.
With a dedicated UK presence, and an offering of a comprehensive portfolio for the graphic arts, Leipa UK can rely on more than 175 years of pioneering production of high quality 100% recycled paper and packaging grades from its mother company in Germany.
It also has a depth of expertise when it comes to conversion of waste paper back into valuable materials with which to make that paper.
As well as its 100% graphic paper grades, Leipa has been growing in the packaging market too, with sustainably produced products in testliner, paper based flexible packaging solutions and cartonboard. It also owns its own recycling company and sourcing arm, giving a truly unique circular model to paper based solutions.
Question: How many million tonnes of waste paper are converted into high quality 100% recycled paper and packaging solutions every year?
Find the answer at:
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