Print Solutions Green Solutions
Paul Opie has made a return to the industry as partnership manager at CarbonCo taking responsibility for the Carbon Balanced print, paper and packaging initiative with World Land Trust.
Whether you are a passionate environmentalist, or it is just another crucial business decision, attention to climate change has never been higher on the global agenda. Climate change and global warming is now the third biggest item on the UK government agenda. With carbon conversations and reporting increasingly important for the sector, Paul joins at an exciting time to help printers, publishers and packaging companies measure, report, and reduce their own emissions and impacts on climate change. By making positive change now, businesses can meet the 50% reduction in carbon emissions required by 2030 to keep global warming to less than 1.5°.

Carbon Balanced Paper was launched in 2010 as a really simple solution to help printers add real value to their end user clients. They can use licenced on-product logos, and present certificates to their clients, which quantify the amount of Carbon Balanced and land preserved. To date, the initiative has balanced 250,000 tonnes CO2 and protected 20,000 acres of high value conservation land, rich in biodiversity, with international conservation charity World Land Trust. Sir David Attenborough said that, ‘The money that is given to the World Land Trust, in my estimation, has more effect on the wild world than almost anything I can think of.’
Of the printers CarbonCo has already measured, 51 of the most forward thinking and environmentally aware have already become certified printers and are balancing their own operational impacts with World Land Trust.
Paul comes with a background of senior leadership roles in the print industry, stating, ‘I am delighted to join CarbonCo at a time of unprecedented environmental focus and look forward to working with this progressive sustainable industry to support positive change, that directly impacts biodiversity, and make a real difference.’