Packaging Solutions
The 12th Pack to the Future Conference, hosted by the Midlands Packaging Society, is to be held at the School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University on 24 July 2024.
The conference focuses on the theme ‘cost of sustainability’ from commercial, economic, design, environmental and behavioural perspectives.
Presentations throughout the day include a keynote from Mark Shayler on ‘You Can’t Make Money from a Dead Planet: The sustainable method for driving profits’. Working with clients including Nike, Coca Cola, Samsung and John Lewis, Mark helps big companies think small, and small companies think big. Making stuff better and making better stuff.
Other speakers include Harshal Gore of DEFR, who will outline the latest developments on sustainable packaging. Harshal is a senior executive driving impact through digital and industry collaboration strategies with the vision to put societal and environmental needs at the forefront of industry ambition.
Lucy Eggleston, Eunomia, will talk about ‘The Price is Tight: balancing cost and sustainability in packaging closed loop recycling’, whilst Gary Tee, Tipa Compostables, will talk about the value of compostable packaging and the benefits that it brings as a mainstream solution.
James Pryor of Touch Design will provide information on designing with climate in mind. Realising business transformation and game changing innovation through physical packaging and product design, James is co-founder and managing partner of Touch, a structural pack and product innovation agency that focuses on sustainable and futureproofed brand and commercial growth for some of the world’s most recognised brands and businesses.
Looking toward the future, Aaron Tucker from Michigan State University in the USA, will explore the latest research and trends shaping the future of packaging conducted by the faculty of the School of Packaging at MSU.
Adding to this, Nikki Clark of Loughborough University will be mapping the value of sustainable design for reusable packaging exploring the four different perspectives of value (economic, psychological, sociological and ecological) and their impact when developing a reusable packaging service.
Pack to the Future is open to both members and non members. You can find out more about the event and register at