Packaging Solutions
Metsä Board’s paperboard was used for soup packaging launched by a leading ready to eat food company, Saarioinen. The special feature in the packaging was that consumers were able to share their own personal messages on the packaging. An online platform combined with digital printing onto paperboard MetsäBoard Classic FBB, opened up this exciting new opportunity for the soup packaging.

As result of Covid-19, many consumers are switching their canteen lunches to ready meals at home. Saarioinen and PackageMedia, which specialises in packaging and digital printing and is part of the Pyroll Group, brought a personal touch to everyday life which has become overshadowed by the pandemic. PackageMedia built an online platform on which more than 400 Valentine's Day greetings, including the name and the city of the writer, were written. The greetings and the writer’s name and location were digitally printed on Saarioinen’s soup packaging, and the packages were delivered to stores.
‘Digitalisation in the packaging industry is much more than just printing. It can be used to combine the digital and physical worlds in everyday packaging, and is often used in the game industry,’ said Mauri Reinilä, CEO of PackageMedia. ‘Through digitalisation, we are able to harness the full potential of physical packaging more efficiently.’
When packaging is utilised in versatile ways, it can also be beneficial for the environment. For example, combining other campaigns with the packaging can reduce the use of other marketing materials or promotions, thereby resulting in environmental benefits of reduced media use. In some instances, packaging can also turn into a collector’s item, in which case it does not end up being recycled after its first task.
‘Packaging is seen in Saarioinen as a very important marketing channel, and we are interested in continuing to use it in the future. The Valentine's Day campaign was a nice way to bring consumers into the journey, as part of the packaging, and provided a way to brighten up people's day during February,’ said Tiia Rita, marketing manager at Saarioinen.
‘MetsäBoard Classic FBB was chosen as the packaging material for many reasons. It is one of the best paperboards on the market in terms of both appearance and functionality, and it is also a food-safe grade. Good, responsible and easily recyclable board strengthens the brand,’ added Mauri.