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ISA-UK launches ‘Best Practice Guides’ to support sign and graphics industry

Wide Format Solutions

ISA-UK, powered by BSGA, has announced the availability of two Best Practice Guides to help companies in the sign and display industry to reach and maintain high standards.

Available to purchase and download from the ISA-UK website, the two guides (the ISA-UK Best Practice Guide and the ISA-UK Best Practice Guide – Inspection & Maintenance) reflect the organisation’s commitment to developing and promoting clear, robust and implementable best practice and guidance within the UK sign and graphics industry.

The primary aim of the guides is to demonstrate to customers, as well as staff, suppliers and contractors, that a business is acting in good faith and in a manner that is professional and competent.

Industry professionals have the choice of accessing the full guide for best practice or the specialist publication for those companies working across the inspection and maintenance of signage.

The guidance has been built to run alongside and support the values in the current British Standard and Specification for the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes (BS559).

‘Best practices are important for processes that you need to work correctly,’ ISA-UK’s CEO Craig Brown said. ‘They are simply the best way to do things and are found to be the most sensible way to proceed to help you avoid falling foul of regulations and legislation.

‘We will be looking to review and revise these guides on a regular basis and welcome constructive feedback from our members and non members alike.’

‘With regards to the Inspection & Maintenance version, for a variety of reasons, maintenance is one of those topics that is often overlooked or not addressed with potential clients at time of quote or purchase of signage,’ added Craig Brown.

‘Without trying to state the obvious, external signs in particular are subject and susceptible to the seasonal changes, which put the materials used and the structures they are mounted onto through various states of stress. As a minimum, regular visual inspections should be recommended to the client, particularly after extreme weather events. This isn’t always the easiest subject to broach with clients so in an effort to address the issue the ISA-UK have put together the ISA-UK Best Practice Guide Inspection and Maintenance, hopefully to help give some pointers.’

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