Packaging Solutions
Fedrigoni will be hosting an event breaking down how designers can transition from plastic to more sustainable materials, such as paper, when creating packaging solutions. The event will take place on the evening of Thursday 22 June at the Fedrigoni London studio.

As consumers across all sectors are becoming increasingly in tune with their carbon and climate footprint, with the luxury arena being no exception, the panel will provide thoughts and examples on what this will look like in the packaging landscape. With brand codes among luxury brands transitioning from wealth and status to sustainability, the event will ask and answer what this means when investing in innovation and new technologies when creating quality packaging solutions.
The event will welcome a panel of speakers including Vincent Villeger (independent luxury packaging designer), Katie Kubrak (head of materials and insight at Nirvana CPH), Ian Bates (European marketing and partnership director at Two Sides), Richard Owers (director at Pureprint Group), Simon Esterson (creative director, Esterson Associates), and Annette Clayton, global account manager and plastic to paper ambassador at Fedrigoni UK.

The speakers will touch on issues including the main drivers in moving from plastic to paper, the benefits to brands, key challenges and how to overcome them, cost impact, technologies available to help with the transition and many more.
Vincent Villeger gives some initial insight: ‘Switching from plastic to paper in packaging isn’t as straightforward as it seems – I have learned this the hard way through direct experience. However, beyond the technical challenges, this switch also presents great opportunities to redefine the visual landscape and the consumer’s understanding of what luxury packaging looks like. This potential is what excites me, and what I am most looking forward to exploring on the panel with the other members and with the audience.’
Annette Clayton from Fedrigoni commented, ‘The inherent sustainability of paper makes it an ideal starting point in this journey. Innovation will be the catalyst. Fedrigoni innovation hub is developing a range of technologies and solutions, in close collaboration with customers, to help brands make the transition away from single use plastic. This is an ongoing process and part of our commitment to the circular economy and next generation paper.’
Ian Bates, European marketing and partnership director at Two Sides, said: ‘The event will provide essential insights on how to accelerate the transition from ‘difficult to recycle’ plastic materials, which can cause pollution from microplastics, to the future of widely recycled, natural and renewable fibre based alternatives. We will cover a range of topics on the challenges and opportunities presenting brands, printers and converters who want to reduce their total environmental and social impacts, whilst retaining protection, promotion and communication throughout the value chain.’
Full event details can be found here. Please note - RSVP mandatory.