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Brief Cases – exciting, enthusing and encouraging undergraduates

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Developed by The Heaven Company and supported this year by Antalis and Xerox, Brief Cases is a brilliant initiative to inspire students.

Solutions, ideas, inspiration, innovation, design­ – it is at the top of the entry form for The Solutions Awards. It is what our industry should be about and it is what Brief Cases is inspiring in university students across the UK.

The brainchild of Veronica Heaven of The Heaven Company, and ‘bridging the gap between academic study and commercial reality’ in a really positive way, Brief Cases works with universities to encourage degree level students to look at their choices when it comes to design and to thinks seriously about the benefits of using paperboard instead of other materials. But more than this, it challenges their entrepreneurial abilities and makes them think about the skills they will need in the ‘real world’ by providing a series of ‘briefs’ that they have to think about, plan and then turn into a piece of work.

Set within the degree curriculum, the students pursue the live brief and come up with an innovative design that could be used in reality.

The scheme aims to excite, enthuse and encourage undergraduates, whilst helping them to sensitively design in sustainability from the start of the creative process.

‘In an increasingly competitive and complex business environment, Brief Cases tasks participants to research, devise and explain their ideas in a manner that is expected in a commercial context. Our projects offer students an opportunity to gain direct connections with industry and to tackle social and sustainability issues,’ said Veronica.

Earth Island, along with The Solutions Awards, has been delighted to be media partner for the Brief Cases initiative.

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