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BPIF’s Members’ Day brings the industry together

Print Solutions

On Wednesday 10 July, the BPIF (British Printing Industries Federation) hosted its 2024 Members’ Day event followed by the traditional drinks reception at the House of Lords. Key business leaders and members across the printing industry were invited to join in the discussion at the sustainability symposium during the day, and network with key members of parliament and lords later in the afternoon.


The hugely successful event gave members the opportunity to hear from experts in the roundtable sessions which covered eight different topics around sustainability, hosted by Steve Walker, BPIF; Steve Lister, Popai; Jonathan Tame and Ian Bates, Two Sides; Paul Gamble, Whittington Moor; Henry Smith, Valpak; Laetitia Reynaud, Intergraf; Lucy Klinkenberg, Paragon; Luke Beer, Evergen; and Ben Mitchell, Leeds Beckett University.


Anthony Rowell, sales and customer success director at Tradeprint, commented: ‘Sustainability rightly continues to be a major issue facing the UK’s printing industry. Having an opportunity through the BPIF’s sustainability symposium to highlight important issues and discuss the big issues that face members directly with members was invaluable. It was great to work alongside the subject matter experts gaining valuable insight into the many challenges the industry faces – a wonderful format on the day show cased the BPIF’s ambition to facilitate change and offer invaluable support for members.’


Members were then given a rundown of the BPIF’s annual review, allowing them to share in the successes of the previous 12 months, as well as looking at plans for the future, particularly relating to the BPIF’s relationship with government.


The event then moved to the House of Lords for the print reception, where highlights included the presentation of the Kathy Woodward Award, and speeches from Lord Teverson, who opened the print reception, and Louisa Bull who represented Unite the Union, both of whom touched on the future of print under the new government, as well as the importance of ensuring the industry remains attractive and accessible to young people.


The winner of this year’s Kathy Woodward award, sponsored by Webmart, was Ronan McKechnie, deputy shift operations manager at CPI William Clowes, who will be using the award to help fund his further training. This award, launched in memory of the BPIF’s much loved CEO who sadly passed away in 2015, provides individuals in the print, packaging and graphic design industries with the means to further their career development.


Charles Jarrold, CEO of the BPIF, said: ‘Members’ Day is a particularly special day for us, for our members, and with the House of Lords reception, for the entire sector. This year was particularly lively and interactive, with a morning of discussion group round tables focusing on sustainability, followed by the BPIF AGM and annual review, in which I try to cover the entire scope of the BPIF’s activities in a few short minutes – always a challenge! Then, over to the House of Lords, where we were grateful to Lord Teverson for hosting the annual print reception, bringing together all the organisations and many printers to mingle, celebrate and where possible to meet their MPs, particularly exciting just after the election!’




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