Print Solutions
Binding Store and Post Press Systems (PPS) have combined their expertise to develop the UK agency for Rilecart Wire Binding Machinery.
Binding Store will sell the systems and solutions while PPS will install and maintain the machinery and supply spare parts.
Binding Store has over 35 years’ experience supporting a wide range of binding, laminating and print finishing needs from wire binding machines to used print finishing equipment. It offers part exchange and an upgrade path supporting customer growth.
PPS has more than 25 years’ experience in the post press machinery sector and is the UK and Ireland sales agent for German collator specialists MKW Graphische Machinen and also offers support for Setmaster collators.
Rilecart manufactures hole punching and binding machinery for office, professional and industrial use from simple desktop machines to fully automatic installations. It also produces binding wire on spools and in pre-cut lengths as well as machinery and coils for plastic coil applications. Typical end uses are books, diaries, presentations, reports and calendars.

Binding Store managing director Russell Cunningham is delighted to be working with PPS to support Rilecart and commented: ‘Rilecart has long standing expertise in supporting customers looking to flexibly manage a variety of run lengths from desk top wirebinders to fully automated punch and bind machines for books and calendars such as the PB-735 HD DP. With PPS, we are looking forward to further developing opportunities for these solutions in the UK market.’