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Aquapak appoints sustainability and circular economy expert to its advisory board

Packaging Solutions Green Solutions

Aquapak Polymers has announced the appointment of sustainability and circular economy expert, Debbie Luffman, to its advisory board.  


Debbie has over 20 years’ experience of working in fashion, textiles and sustainable business. She currently runs the change agency Think Circular, which helps businesses to unlock opportunities through a circular approach to design, sourcing and exploring alternative means of production and consumption.


For 14 years, she was product director at outdoor clothing brand Finisterre, where she led innovation initiatives, and implemented new business models and strategic partnerships to advance circularity. Debbie is also a carbon literacy facilitator at Fashion Declares, a tutor on the business sustainability management course at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable leadership, and a trustee at environmental behaviour change charity Hubbub.


The Advisory Board provides advice and input to support Aquapak’s management team as they embark on an exciting phase of global growth and innovation. This includes identifying multiple applications for its Hydropol polymer technology. Developed and manufactured in the UK, Hydropol is soluble, non toxic and marine safe. Products made with it are safe for existing recycling processes and are fully biodegradable, leaving no trace or harmful microplastics should they enter the environment.


Mark Lapping, chief executive officer, Aquapak, said: ‘Debbie’s experience in the fashion and textiles sector is highly relevant to us as it is an important strategic market opportunity for Hydropol technology. Several brands have already introduced our Hydropol garment bags in place of conventional single use plastic as part of their commitment to sustainability and the circular economy. We look forward to working closely with Debbie to grow our market share.’


Debbie Luffman said, ‘I work with many different businesses who are committed to the circular economy. Moving to sustainable packaging with better end of life options is a big part of meeting this challenge, so I am delighted to be joining Aquapak’s advisory board and helping develop and promote its groundbreaking Hydropol technology.’



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