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Ahlstrom’s Genuine Vegetable Parchment receives BPI compostability certification

Packaging Solutions

Ahlstrom has received compostability certification from the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) for its biodegradable and renewable fibre based Genuine Vegetable Parchment (GVP) portfolio for food applications.

Now in possession of both the BPI certification and the company's existing TÜV Home and Industrial compost certification, GVP products offer multiple functional and sustainability attributes in a single technology.

These accreditations facilitate the possibility for Ahlstrom’s customers, whether converters or brand owners, to achieve their own sustainability goals.

‘Parchment is truly a unique technology in which we manage to transform cellulose into a functional material without adding chemicals,’ said Mark Ushpol, executive vice president of Ahlstrom’s food and consumer packaging division. ‘Our expertise and unique manufacturing capabilities enable us to create value through sustainability for our customers. By achieving BPI compostability with our market leading Genuine Vegetable Parchment technology, we offer a full portfolio of sustainable and compostability certified best in class products.’

Genuine Vegetable Parchment (GVP) products for food applications not only meet strict guidelines for food contact and compostability either in an industrial or home setting, but also provide a wide array of functional attributes that are key for food applications like absolute grease resistance with no PFAS, outstanding release, water resistance, high heat resistance, and more.

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