Print Solutions
Japanese litho press manufacturer, RMGT, continues to defy any suggestion that litho is set to die by expanding its production capabilities, as it continues to grow its worldwide market share. The single story building is scheduled for completion by October 2023.

Mark Stribley, joint managing director of UK RMGT dealer, MPL, said: ‘This is great news for all businesses associated with RMGT presses, and proof, if any were needed, that litho is certainly not dead – in fact, for RMGT, it is growing faster than ever.
‘The current factory is working very effectively, and we are certainly still able to add new orders from UK printers to the ever growing list of RMGT users, but the directors in Japan are looking to the future and are seeing further growth potential. Particularly busy areas of the world currently include China, India and North America, but the UK and Europe, as well as some Asian countries, are all seeing growth for RMGT’s ultra reliable press products.’
This third manufacturing plant will accommodate new assembly tools, including large cranes for the heavy lifting duties associated with press manufacture. By creating the new factory adjacent to the current first and second plants, RMGT aims to integrate the functions of each in order to optimise the total production system and empower efficient productivity.