Packaging Solutions: Positive About Print
NiceLabel is introducing a new cloud based business model that will enable its partners to deliver labelling solutions as a service securely and remotely in the pandemic and beyond.

The new NiceLabel channel offering is based around Label Cloud, a multi-tenant labelling software as a service. The solution acts as a virtual collaboration tool for labelling, enabling reseller partners to demonstrate, sell and configure labelling solutions for customers, remotely from their home.
Resellers can manage the whole process remotely and securely for customers from running live demos through to designing and test printing label templates, deploying solutions, printing labels and managing supplies inventory. This new approach to selling and supporting labelling turns remote working from a barrier to a competitive advantage for customers.
Paul Vogt, channel marketing director, said: ‘Before the pandemic, most resellers in the labelling space primarily used a face to face business model to sell and support their labelling solutions. Today, that is all changed. Resellers have to connect virtually from their home with customers in their home. They will need to collaborate, interact and discuss with their customers without being on site. That’s why we have introduced this new channel offering.’
‘It represents a step change for resellers and customers because for many of them, it represents a whole new way of working,’ added Paul. ‘Yet, it is one that is both necessary in the current lockdown and beneficial to resellers who can continue to engage and sell efficiently and quickly to customers all through the crisis and beyond.’
NiceLabel’s labelling software is intuitive and easy to use. Resellers can therefore get up and running with it very quickly. The cloud based labelling solution is available on a subscription payment model, which covers platform maintenance and upgrades, and is counted as an operating expense instead of a capital expense.