Packaging Solutions: Positive About Print
NiceLabel is offering free subscriptions of its cloud based labelling solution and technical consulting services to organisations that have joined the fight against Covid-19.
NiceLabel has launched the non-commercial and non profit based initiative in order to help these organisations get much needed deliveries of medical equipment and supplies; respirators, disinfectants, masks or other critical supplies to those in need as quickly as possible.

Having the cloud based labelling solution in place will enable these organisations to produce new labels quickly and rapidly add them to the packaging used on their new product lines to ensure that equipment and materials arrive on the front line without delay.
Organisations likely to qualify include manufacturers re-focusing on the production of critical healthcare supplies; farms and other food producers who must meet new labeling requirements to supply critical food to supermarkets; hospitals and other organisations involved in fighting Covid-19.
In delivering a free labelling solution to these organisations, NiceLabel will engage with them both directly and, where appropriate, through value added resellers and other IT solutions partners.
Ken Moir, NiceLabel vice president of marketing, said: ‘We wanted to help eliminate any delays in the delivery of supplies by ensuring that labelling is never an obstacle to getting critical items to the front line as fast as possible. Our multi-tenant cloud platform allows us from a remote location to get labelling anywhere around the world – and to do it ultra fast.
‘We plan to use our capability to help manufacturers rapidly switch their product lines to key equipment and products needed in the fight against Covid-19 and to support the rapid delivery of those supplies to those battling this new virus on the front line. We are here to help, so we would encourage any organisation seeking out labelling support as they look to get key materials and equipment deliveries out to those who need it most, to get in touch with us today.’
Organisations needing help with labelling during the Covid-19 outbreak should register their interest at