Print Solutions
Print Solutions has been trialling a very useful piece of software that has helped us to save time, be more productive and minimise mistakes.
Image Info XTension for QuarkXpress is an innovative tool from Creationauts that helps busy designers and creatives, as well as pre-press operatives to enhance working with images.

With a simple click on the image, the pop-up box gives you all the information you need without having to make multiple clicks. This includes things such as name, format, paths, file size, dimensions, colour space, layers, locations, pixels per inch/actual dpi, and more.
You can quickly find and edit images, whilst monitoring the changes directly from QuarkXpress.
Print Solutions’ creative director Steve Crawley said, ‘We are always busy in the production department at Earth Island – not only producing Print Solutions, but sister magazines Packaging Solutions, Green Solutions and IndPrint, as well as a number of books, handbooks and promotional materials for events and our awards. It is pretty much non-stop and we process a huge amount of images every week, so any solution that can help us save time and reduce errors is useful.’
Steve continued, ‘The Creationauts’ Image Info XTension for QuarkXpress is really handy and makes working with images much easier as all the information you need is quickly available, in one place. It really is very easy – a simple click and you have what you need!’
You can find out more at