Print Solutions
In the coming year, the in-house academy of colour management expert GMG will continue to offer its knowledge in a variety of ways. In addition to the free webinars, which globally attracted hundreds of viewers to the screens in 2019, multi day workshops will be part of the spectrum supplied by the GMG Academy.
One particular concern of the Tuebingen based company is to provide a comprehensive range of services to its customers. GMG’s products are complemented by three know how areas: service, consulting, and the GMG Academy ensure that users can fully exploit the potential of GMG colour management tools.
The GMG Academy, being an excellence centre, is characterised by efficient learning. All classes are conducted in small groups. Attendees are welcome to be an active part of any workshop, enabling them to immediately integrate learnings into their daily work. In doing so, they will always be guided by proven experts with many years of experience in the printing industry. By deliberately keeping the number of participants low, there is enough room for individual questions and, if necessary, sample projects can be brought along.

The workshop portfolio for 2020 includes three different courses, covering a comprehensive topic area. The first is ‘Digital Printing – Process Control and Profiling’, which will take place from March 24 to 26 and is aimed at all those who have either already introduced digital printing or who would like to implement it in their day to day work.
‘Colour Management and Standardisation’ (September 29 to October 1) will supply extensive basic knowledge on colour, proofing, and standardisation in the printing industry.
‘Packaging – From Design to Print’ with its date from November 10 to 12 rounds off the programme. Everything revolves around packaging at this workshop – attendees can experience the complete process chain of packaging production in a practical manner.
For those who cannot find what they are looking for in the workshop portfolio, a customised workshop is another option from GMG Academy's range of offerings. The agenda of an individual workshop is tailored to the wishes and needs of the customer by the Academy team, therefore contents can be chosen freely from the wide spectrum of colour management topics.
The audience can also look forward to free webinars. As in 2019, half hourly webinars will be held every two months, both in German and English. While the content of the webinars will remain under lock and key until the new year, interested parties can already make note of the dates. The GMG Academy calendar reveals more details.
The 2020 dates as well as more information can be found at