Print Solutions
Determining the curing degree of UV inks poses a challenge to press operators around the world. To solve this problem, hubergroup has invented an innovative technique: ‘NewV cure’.
From May 13 to 16, hubergroup will present this science based, patented solution for determining the curing degree of UV inks as well as its UV ink portfolio in Nürtingen, Germany, at the IST UV Days 2019.

While UV inks are gaining popularity and offer a high speed curing process, it has been difficult to quickly and definitively determine whether the print is properly cured. Due to the lack of reliable methods, most operators check curing quality subjectively using physical tests such as wiping, scratching, or a thumb, as well as chemical characterisation. However, the curing degree affects hardness, robustness, migration behaviour, and the ability for further processing of an ink film – in effect, improper curing negatively affects the usability and quality of the printed product.
‘Our new science based approach provides an easy and objective evaluation of UV curing within a few minutes,’ said Dr Carina Sötebier, head of Central Analytical Lab at hubergroup. ‘To determine curing level of UV inks, we use a test liquid and an electronic test device. By testing a predefined extract, NewV cure can identify the quality level of a printed product.’
‘With NewV cure, we end all subjective methods of curing determination and create a new standard for quality management in UV curing,’ added Roland Schröder, product manager UV at hubergroup. ‘It will help to reduce waste and rejects due to incomplete curing and increases security in packaging production. As our previous tests were very successful, we are excited to present first results with NewV cure to IST UV Days attendees.’