On Monday 28 January, Industrial Inkjet hosted an event at Clare college Cambridge for Konica Minolta senior executives from across central and eastern Europe. The event was arranged to showcase the products and capabilities of IIJ and present how the extensive professional sales team from Konica Minolta Business Solutions could add opportunities to their businesses.
The event was initiated by Roman Tihelka, the managing director of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Cluster East. Bringing together directors and senior sales staff from across his region, in Cambridge, the heartland of industrial inkjet technology.

Presentations from senior IIJ staff outlined the company’s extensive product portfolio, key partnerships and capabilities, along with information on our target markets of packaging, security, wallpaper and labels, detailing IIJ’s unique selling points and success stories in these industries.
This was delivered to give the delegates the confidence to look at applications outside of their normal sales targets with new vision and the knowledge that with IIJ they can gain new business.
During the event, the delegates had the opportunity to visit IIJ’s factory and demonstration facility where they were shown live demonstrations. These included the MonoPrint 520HiQ product, printing 600 dpi variable data at 200 metres per minute, a ColourPrint 223HiQ engine, running 600 x 1200 dpi full colour UV labels at 100 metres per minute, and printing high security polycarbonate ID cards, including covert inks, at 150 cards per minute on IIJ’s XYPrint 300 system.

The high speed printing of the demonstrated equipment really impressed the audience. This was possible due the exceptional speed and quality of the Konica Minolta printheads together with the robust development process and innovative system design from IIJ. These systems use the KM1800i printhead, increasingly the printhead of choice not only for IIJ’s product but also for KM’s OEM customer base.
IIJ’s director of business development, Paddy O’Hara, said: ‘This event shows how we are working ever more closely with Konica Minolta. As the official partner for Konica Minolta printheads outside of Asia, IIJ has worked alongside KM for over 13 years, but this activity closes the circle as we give the equipment sales division of KM the ability to sell into growing markets using our KM enabled print solutions.’

Konica Minolta Cluster East head of sales, Pavel Ucen, said: ‘It was a very impressive, inspiring and well organized event in Cambridge. It was the first such an event for all Cluster East managing directors. All participants received very well structured information about the technology itself, business model, successful business cases and a lot of insight during the tour of the IIJ premises.
‘Cluster East sees huge potential in our closer cooperation. We are running IIJ systems in four of our facilities, have hired a Cluster East business development manager, and are going to open an Inkjet Competence centre in the Czech Republic. We are confident, there will be valuable outcome, and we are looking forward into our much closer cooperation!’