Print Solutions
Newtech’s theme this year is ‘personalisation’ and a great new product will be launched at Newtech Brentwood and all shows through to November 2019.
Attracting customers to your website is one thing – engaging and motivating them to action is another. At a time of increasing competition, many companies have seen a decline in customer response on their websites resulting in less conversions, bookings and registrations.
My Web Presenters is an award winning video production and marketing agency that has developed innovative hologram style presenters that step out on the page to engage immediately, with a ‘perfect pitch’ and call to action. In about 30 seconds, the 3D style presenter creates rapport, increases response and reduces bounce rates, generating extraordinary return on investment.

Numerous case studies from thousands of clients prove that enhancing a web page with personal interaction results in soaring conversion rates.
‘We understand where video can deliver benefit for your business. We create smart, engaging video presenter content which perfectly fits your business brand and delivers measurable returns on your investment. After all - people always buy from people, and the presenter acts as the authentic face of the organisation,’ said Neil Davidson, the company’s CEO.
You can see My Web Presenters at Newtech in 2018 at:
London East (Brentwood) September 26 to 27
Newcastle October 9 to 10
Bristol October 16 to 17
Leicester November 14 to 15
Each event opens with a special evening session from 6 pm until 9 pm, then the next day 9 am to 4 pm.
The 2019 series includes: London North (RAF Museum), Swindon, Edinburgh, Brighton, Nottingham, Durham, Liverpool, Exeter, Newmarket, Wetherby.
For further information please see: