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PFF Packaging hits back at LGA report

Packaging Solutions

The PFF Packaging Group has hit back at the recent LGA report that only a third of plastic sent for recycling is actually recycled and that businesses are not engaging with local authorities.

Group managing director Kenton Robbins said, ‘This report really doesn’t present an accurate picture of UK manufacturing or of all local authorities.

‘The Report claims that businesses are reluctant to discuss recycling issues with local authorities, but this is not the case with PFF. We are actively exploring innovative and groundbreaking initiatives with local authorities in our region that will take significant steps towards the development of closed loop recycling regionally and we look forward to reporting further on this shortly. We also know that one authority in our region sends very little waste to landfill and virtually zero plastic.

‘At PFF every item we produce at our Keighley and Washington plants is recyclable, as we have migrated products over the past 10 years to newer more environmentally friendly materials. We have taken literally hundreds of products and made them less impactful on the environment by engineering them to have a smaller environmental footprint and to ensure they are 100% recyclable and made from the highest possible recycled content – some of our products contain up to 90% recycled content. If we can get the used plastic back to us, we can reuse it over and over again!

‘We also need to understand that plastic plays a vital role in the food chain to protect food products and minimise food waste. Unlike some other formats plastic is light, hygienic and can be recycled many times. In our case these products are made in the UK and support vital UK manufacturing jobs.

‘Plastic may currently be getting a bad press but we are proud of the work are doing with our customers to lead industry changes that underline our environmental credentials and help take care of the planet.’

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