Green Solutions
Pregis has announced that increases in customer orders for green packaging in 2017 has led to a record number of 121,646 new trees being saved during the 12 month period, an increase of around 10% on the previous year.
Easypack’s solutions produce 100% recycled, 100% recyclable and 100% biodegradable paper packaging, which not only helps to protect the environment, it also prevents in-transit breakages, and requires less in the box packaging which reduces costs.
Easypack customers are presented with an annual Sustainable Packaging Certificate in recognition of their efforts to pack and ship goods sustainably. The certificates show the number of trees that their business protected during the year, allowing them to share their green achievements with their customers, staff and stakeholders.
The need to find more eco friendly packaging solutions is an important driver for businesses globally. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the damage that plastics and other non biodegradable products are having on the environment, leading them to source more eco friendly alternatives.
Pregis is committed to developing sustainable solutions that optimise packaging processes, reduce costs and minimise environmental impact – the Easypack range of environmentally friendly, high performance, cushion void fill systems, fulfil all of these targets.
In addition to being 100% recycled, 100% recyclable and 100% biodegradable, Easypack’s paper is also pH neutral and is all fully certified to ensure that it is 100% recycled and traceable to source. The paper also complies with EU legislation on the Restriction of use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), and Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH).
Operations director Jason Cox said, ‘Watching the rising numbers of trees saved each year is so inspiring for us all at Pregis. As a provider of environmentally friendly solutions, we are seeing first hand, the increase in demand for green packaging – it is so rewarding to be able to help make a difference to both the environment and our customers’ businesses. We know that our customers enjoy showing off their certificates and sharing their achievements with their customers – they should all be very proud of the efforts that they are making to protect our planet.’