Print Solutions

Kodak has announced upgrades to its Proofing Software, making it easier for printers to spend less time planning and more time printing consistent colour results. New with the upgrade, Proofing Software now allows users to proof spot colours with more accuracy with new support for violet ink proofers from the Epson SC-P7000 and SC-P9000 family. The new upgrade also meets print buyer expectations by achieving standard targets based on ISO 12647, Gracol, and Swop with certified proofing for colour confirmation.

While the Kodak Proofing Software gives you better management of colours, it also pairs perfectly with some of the impressive features already in the software including supporting custom media, industry leading colour performance and scheduled calibration. This allows printers to calibrate after hours, meeting print buyer specifications and maintaining industry standards. The end result is to achieve top of the line proofing right in the hands of the users to ensure a flawless finished product.
‘Kodak Proofing Software is a dependable, easy to use solution for inkjet proofing,’ said Allan Brown, vice president and general manager of Kodak’s Unified Workflow Solutions. ‘This offering reduces costs by eliminating extensive planning and allows for an overall increase in operations agility by delivering consistent, reliable results time after time.’