Print Solutions
Konica Minolta has further underlined its commitment to customers through important enhancements to its pre-press and print automation software within its Accurio professional printing portfolio that reflect the advanced and accurate nature of its technology.

Building on its extensive portfolio of digital software solutions for professional printing, Konica Minolta has announced the highly scalable version 7.6 of its print management systems AccurioPro Flux.
It features the new option Flux Preflight Pro, an easy to use built in preflight engine that incorporates more than 80 predefined preflight profiles for a host of actions including colour conversion, PDF analysis, PDF fix ups, PDFS compliance and process plans.
The latest software upgrade will bring important new benefits to end users. They include seamless integration, a quicker and cheaper connection than an external application as well as reduced maintenance as it eliminates the need to buy and maintain a second application.

Flux Preflight Pro can be integrated into both the AccurioPro Flux Premium and Ultimate options, as well as combinations. Not only will customers save time and money by making optimal use of production printing systems, especially at peak times, they will also increase efficiency by reducing prepress steps through advanced automation.
Achim Ricks, Konica Minolta Europe’s Production Printing application manager, Professional Printing Division, said: ‘Competition amongst printers remains fierce and our customers continue to look for greater automation and efficiency, in addition to the high print quality and productivity of their printing presses, to remain competitive.
‘This important new enhancement to our AccurioPro Flux software will be a welcome addition for our customers who are looking for greater efficiencies and automation.’