Print Solutions
The 23 August 2017 saw the BPIF host a graduation ceremony for the second cohort of Level 4/5 Management Programme learners at St Bride Foundation, London. The learners, their employers and guests, plus key supporters within the printing industry came together to celebrate each leaner’s achievements.

BPIF CEO Charles Jarrold, opened the ceremony congratulating all the learner’s on their efforts. He commented, ‘Graduating today is a tremendous achievement, it requires real dedication to complete the two year programme and achieve the high standards with all the other calls on your time, and that dedication together with the qualifications you now have will be hugely valuable as you develop your careers in our industry – well done!’
Darren Coxon, BPIF president, closed the ceremony commending the learners once again on their achievements and saying, ‘You are the future leaders of the print industry and I hope this qualification will be a stepping stone to further your careers.’
The BPIF’s Graduate Management Programme was conceived in 2013 to provide managers with a professional development plan that would set them on the right course to becoming future leaders within our industry.
For more information on the programme please contact