The Project
Here, you will find the Print iT brief, along with a number of downloadable information resources that will help students to complete the coursework.
The aim is to not only help them to understand the graphic arts industry more fully, but also to get them thinking and help build general business and life skills, that will be of use whatever career path they eventually decide to take.
What Do I Need To Do?
The main brief explains the coursework. All you need to do is get students to follow it. In the boxes are some forms, for the school and the students, which need to be filled in so that we know which work belongs to which student and how many pupils you are entering from your school.
We have kept them as simple as possible to save you time. All resources to follow the course are on this page, but you may or may not need to download all of them. We tried to cover as much information as possible to help make the course convenient, but download just what you need.
Forms and information to download
We hope you find these resources useful for your lesson planning. Please feel free to share with your colleagues and perhaps run a competition for your students.
Resources to download
About Print iT...
This is an exciting initiative which we hope will inform, yet also be enjoyable – as well as allow students to learn some valuable business and life skills that can be taken forward into working life.
Print iT centres on the graphic arts industry, which offers various career paths from journalism and graphic design, to printing, packaging engineering, IT, computer programming, 3D modelling, illustrating, industrial printing and more. You can even be an environmentalist or a chemist and be part of the graphic arts.
The graphic arts is a vast industry with lots of scope for enthusiastic, motivated and dynamic people – and it is a great career choice.
Print is exciting, it is stimulating, it is engaging, it is dependable, it is inspiring. Without it, we would be lesser beings. Nothing can come close to the intimate visual experience, tantalising touch and emotional engagement that you get through good quality print on paper.
All materials for Print iT are copyright of Earth Island Publishing.