Coming soon
This category will be open later in the year. To regster your interest, please see below.
Customer Experience Category

Open to: All businesses, organisations or teams within companies which excel when it comes to customer service, customer care and support. Are your customers central to all that you do as a business? Then this one if for you.
When the category opens:
How to enter: Simply fill in the form below, or you can send information by e-mail to:
Once we have received your nomination, we will send an acknowledgement via e-mail. If we need any further information, we will contact you.
What we need to know: Please provide as much information as you can and don't forget your full contact details.
Outline the reasons why you think your nomination deserves an award. Describe how you have achieved benefits to the business, employees, and customers. Describe anything that makes you stand out from the crowd. And, tell us about anything that demonstrates why you are a leader in the industry.
If you have any questions: If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on
If you would like to register your interest in entering this category, please drop an e-mail to
We will ensure that you are kept informed as soon as the category opens.